
Mega Man X (Megaman X), known in Japan as Rockman X (ッ X, Rokkuman X), is a series of Mega Man action video game series released by Capcom. It was originally released on December 17, 1993 in Japan (January 1994 in North America) on Super NES / Super Famicom and appeared sequels on some systems, most of which were later shipped. to the PC platform. The plot is a continuation of the previous series, Mega Man. The game introduced new elements to the Mega Man franchise including the ability to plunge and climb walls. The first six games in the series are aggregated in the Mega Man X Collection collection.

Mega Man X plays similar to its predecessor Mega Man series, but with many new features: The default X starts with X2, the ability to plunge along the ground at any time (very similar to the original sliding motion from The original, but with better precise control), clings to the wall and Leaps the wall, and dashes and jumps at the same time, increasing his speed in the air. All this gives X greater mobility than its Classic counterpart; These modifications make it easy to pass most games without using any guns other than the 

Emulator Controls

Player 1





A = Z

B = X

X = A

Y = S

Start = ENTER

Select = SHIFT