Super Contra is a 1990 action-shooting game for Nintendo Entertainment System that acts as a sequel to Contra. Based on the 1988 Super Contra arcade game, it is commonly believed that the NES version was abbreviated to "Super C" to avoid allusions of the 1985 Iran-Contra scandal (Japanese version for Computer). the family retains its full name).
Super Contra is not an exact adaptation of the arcade game, but rather an expansion version of the first NES game. The upgradable weapon feature from the arcade version is no longer available, but Rapid Fire and Barrier's ability to power up and disappear in the arcade version is back, along with Special. Like its arcade version, Super C replaces the 3D stages from the original game with overhead stages, but unlike the arcade version, the Mega Shell power boost can be used at any time. To destroy all enemies on the screen gone. There are eight stages in the game, including three new stages not in the arcade version, as well as several new bosses.