Contra is a shooting video game developed and released by Konami, originally released as a coin-operated arcade game on February 20, 1987. Family version released for Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988, along with ports for various computer formats, including MSX2. The localized localized versions of the PAL area are Gryzor on various computer formats and as Probotector on NES, released later. Some sequels to Contra were made after the original game.
Contra uses a variety of viewing angles, including standard side view, pseudo 3D view (in which the player proceeds by shooting and moving towards the background, left or right) and screen format. fixed picture (where Players have their guns aimed by default). Up to two people can play at the same time, with one player as Bill (blonde commandos with white tank top and blue bandana), and the other player is Lance (black-haired commandos without shirt in red tape) . Controls include an eight-way joystick and two action buttons for shooting (left) and jumping (right). When one of the protagonists jumps, he rolls himself into a somersault instead of performing a normal jump like in other games. The joystick not only controls the player's movements while running and jumping, but also his target. In side view stages, players can shoot left, right or upward while standing, as well as horizontally and diagonally while running. Players can also shoot in any of the eight directions, including going down, while jumping. Pressing the joystick down while standing will cause the character to lie face down, allowing him to avoid enemy fire and shoot low targets. When pressing the jump button while crouching down on a higher platform, the player will drop to a lower level.