
Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure, developed by Dimps and published by Banpresto, consists of 30 selectable characters (including all game modes), great for a game of this caliber. Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure consists of 5 game modes, and follows the story of Goku's first encounter with Bulma, to the final against King Piccolo.

In Story Mode, players will control Goku to continue the adventure of his life. Most of the Dragon Ball storylines are included in Story Mode; Only missing is the Piccolo Junior storyline. There are many items to collect in Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure, most of which are hidden. Items can include health or ki items, Dragon Balls or objects like Master Roshi's sunglasses and Mercenary Tao's hood. Players can only choose Goku at first. By ending Goku's Story Mode once, players will be able to play Story Mode with Krillin. However, with Krillin, you will not receive any cutscenes or stories and levels. Story Mode cannot be played with any other characters.

Emulator Controls

Player 1





A = Z

B = X

X = A

Y = S

Start = ENTER

Select = SHIFT